Partner with Dani Treweek



received of $40,000

ongoing project



Dani Treweek

Sydney, NSW
Dani is seeking to support raise $40,000 pa to support her gospel-ministry over the next few years.

In 2020, Dani completed her PhD research exploring the importance of a faithful theology of singleness for the contemporary evangelical church. Her thesis has been adapted into an academic book (being published with IVP in 2023), and she is now setting out to write a popular level version of the book.

Dani writes, speaks and trains on singleness, marriage, sexuality, friendship and more within our very confusing culture, and our often very confused church. She loves helping the body of Christ better understand how the gospel presents a life-giving and life-sustaining perspective on all these important areas, both in this creation and in the one to come.

She is seeking ministry partners who will prayerfully, relationally and financially support and resource her ongoing ministry in this important area of Christian theology, life, and community.

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