Support Risen Church Being Planted



received of $80,000

ongoing project



Risen Church is for the campus, for the city, for Jesus.

About Risen Church

Risen Church’s vision is to be a church on mission winning the lost and soaking the Southside of Brisbane and the city with disciples of Jesus. We’ve chosen to be near the university given the opportunities are incredible. The two nearby campuses of Nathan and Mt Gravatt have 20,000 students. These students come from all over the Southside, Brisbane, Australia and the world.

As we grow, we want to reach the city. The campus is a hub through which we can reach the city. The many main roads nearby, Pacific Motorway, M2, and Mains road, are arteries into our city.

The local area is one of rapid growth and change with 240,000 people in Nathan ward. In the last five years, almost half of 240,000 moved into or within the area and a third were born overseas. 

Who is leading the church?

Glenn Hohnberg. He is married to Kathryn and has four boys: Rohan, Xavier, Kai and Liam.

Glenn became a Christian through university student ministry. He completed a Bachelor of Divinity (Hon) at Moore Theological College. He’s lead an evangelistic mission to the CBD of Brisbane for 9 years and for 2 years has been revitalising City Church at Ann Street Presbyterian.




What's the plan?

Risen Church will start meeting on Sundays at 4pm starting from the 19th of February. We’ll start off meeting as a small group at 36 Georgina Street in Salisbury. 

During the week be evangelising on the campus encouraging and challenging students to meet Jesus in the pages of the Bible. We'll also meet mid week in the evening as the Risen Community  growing each other in Jesus. As a family we'll meet on Sunday morning as 'Family Church' so that our four boys grow in their love and knowledge of Jesus.

To start off the year, we’ll be present during the Orientation weeks at the university to meet students with a campus stall, plus meeting them on campus and in their accommodation and residential colleges.

Will this be just for students?

By God’s grace we hope to be a church for students, young workers and our local community. With God’s help, we plan to start a morning church with a children’s program in the next few years.

How can you partner with Risen Church?

  • Commit to praying
  • Ask to join our Facebook group for regular updates
  • Connect us with people moving into the Southside of Brisbane
  • Join us down the track for some evangelism projects
  • Partner with us financially

Your financial support helps to see new faith grow in the Southside of Brisbane and the city.

We are seeking 40 supporters giving $50 a month to seed fund this new gospel venture. Our budget for 2017 is $40,000 with Glenn working 2 days a week on the church plant.   

'If you want to give via direct debit, please use the following details:

Bank: NAB

BSB: 082-574 

Acct No: 98-197-6763

Ref: 10029 Risen + Your Last Name

Give Now

Date Post
24/05/2017 Risen Church's first public event sharing Jesus on Griffith University
Here's the flyer from the event:
13/04/2017 Over the last month we've had two small discussion groups going on campus looking at the life of Jesus from Mark's gospel. We've also held a second bbq, with 15 students coming along. In fact, we were a little overwhelmed with the number of people - a good problem to have. We had Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, those that know nothing, and those who believe nothing. We invite all of them to our night on Grace and Karma. At the end of April we hold our first public event on campus a night discussing Grace and Karma. Under God we are working toward and praying for 50 people to come. Please pray for our launch team to grow. We love to add a couple of hungry Christians to the team.
23/03/2017 The first month of Risen Church has been extraordinary.

Sunday Meetings

We've kicked off Sunday Church meetings in our home, they are small but exciting - we've had two non Christians come along, One of these is there almost every week. Just as exciting is that we are being changed by John's gospel. We are thinking about Jesus - the light of the world. We also have dinner as part of church which has created a context to get to know each other well and spend several hours together each Sunday.

On Campus

We held a free campus BBQ to connect with residential students. It was fantastic with 10 students coming and hanging out with us. Many are not Christians. We are very thankful for the guys from City Church who helped out. From these contacts we've got one group reading Mark's gospel with Glenn - looking at the life and words of Jesus and another group forming. It really has been a stunning evangelistic start. Please give thanks to God and pray for these two groups to form. Please pray that God makes our next campus BBQ equally successful.

Launch team

Give thanks to God that we growing in love for each other and for God together. God has brought together a launch team with a real heart for mission.
02/02/2017 Lauren shares why she is excited about Risen Church...
02/02/2017 We're really excited about reaching Brisbane for Jesus - have a look at this video to learn more about our Vision:

Name Amount Comment
Anonymous $100.00 Exciting start with Risen Church's facebook page.
Anonymous $250.00
Anonymous $100.00
Anonymous $100.00 Let's keep proclaiming the name of Jesus to the people around Brisbane
Anonymous $250.00
Anonymous $3,000.00
Anonymous $300.00
Anonymous $100.00
Anonymous $200.00
Anonymous $1,000.00 Equipment fund (for signs and other useful stuff) plus anything else!
Wilson Wong $250.00
Anonymous $100.00
Anonymous $50.00
Anonymous $250.00
Anonymous $100.00
Anonymous $100.00
Immanuel Joseph $100.00
Anica Chang $100.00
Charles Cho $75.00
Offline donations $4,010.00 Giving from a range of offline donations from generous givers!
Warwick Baines $25.00
Anonymous $60.00
Anonymous $200.00
Malcolm Barker $250.00
Mei Tjia $500.00 Giving for ministry at griffith university
Alastair MacKenzie $30.00
mei tjia $500.00 ministry in Griffith university
Anonymous $100.00
Offline donations $7,020.00
Anonymous $500.00
mei tjia $500.00 ministry to students at Griffith university
Anonymous $70.00
Anonymous $100.00 He is risen indeed!
Malcolm Barker $200.00
Malcolm Barker $600.00
Mei Tjia $500.00 ministry to students at Griffith university
Clara Gomez $189.00 God bless you!
Neil BRUCE $1,100.00
Anonymous $500.00
Clara Gomez $114.00
Anonymous $240.00
Mei Tjia $500.00 Ministry to student at griffit university
Mienli TEST Tang TEST $100.00
Jamie Blackwell $10.00
Gemma Cardew $25.00
Mei Tjia $500.00 Student ministry at griffith university
Anonymous $240.00
Mei Tjia $500.00 Student ministry at Griffith university
Mei Tjia $500.00 Student ministry at Griffith University
mei tjia $500.00 student ministry at Griffith university
Mei Tjia $500.00 student ministry at Griffith University
Anonymous $100.00
Anonymous $400.00